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A predominant *LATVIAN* visual. VINTAGE 1904-1940 POSTCARDS. View either by STYLE or FESTIVITY. ....& if "CIRCULATED"-you can read the greeting to loved ones. Also posting anything "Latvian".. (My dad was an avid postage stamp & stuff collector.) Still a work-in-progress...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Latvian-Stempel Marka- Document Stamps- Circa 1919-1920, 3 issues. Finally in date order..Numbering anything is a future project!..So many interesting links to distract me. Throwing me off track. Think I'm hooked on stamps!..Just need a mentor>

First Issue, circa 1919

Second Issue, circa 1919, and or
Third Issue, circa 1920

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for identifying these. Mystery solved.
